
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Delightful Apron Giveaway!

My dear friend Jacqueline over at Deep Roots at Home has teamed up with the talented family at Marie-Madeline Studio to give away perhaps the trademark of femininity--a lovely and practical apron. I for one love aprons, and would love to have such a pretty one to wear everyday. If you feel the same, hop on over here to enter the drawing! You never know...maybe you'll be the one to win. Even if we don't, it is still wonderful fun to participate.

And while you're at it, please take a few moments to browse the cheerful wisdom found at Deep Roots at Home and the beautiful clothing offered by the Marie Madeline Studio. Both truly nice sites.

May God bless your day with His smile. Keep close to Him and nothing will pull you apart. And if you have a minute, please comment and tell me how your day is going! I'd love to hear. :-)



  1. Petra,
    You are so kind to share this. We sure did enjoy taking photos in it. We had fun taking it to the post office and taking a picture (for the announcement of the winner) of the wonderfully delightful Robert, our friendly postman! He would make a great jolly Santa figure!
    Thank you :]

  2. Hehe, I bet that was fun! It's nice to have such friendly neighbors and townspeople, isn't it?!


I would be honored to have the opportunity to hear your thoughts, and get to know you a little better :)