
Friday, December 21, 2012

Rock-A-Bye Baby-calming techniques from Heartlight

Happy First Day of Winter! Aren’t you glad the world doesn’t appear to be ending? : ) Even if it wa , those of us who have put our trust in Jesus have no cause for alarm. Death is only a bridge to Life Eternal. 

I wanted to bring a wonderful blog post to your attention.

My sister Hannah has cared for children in professional environments (childcare centers and nanny positions) for over 8 years now. She has gathered much knowledge from her involvement in the care and raising of all those little ones, and I’m so glad she decided to share some of it with us lesser ones. : ) As a caregiver of children myself, I can testify that these techniques are tried and proven solutions. Obviously every child is different, and one must acclimate to each situation to provide the best care…but Hannah’s neat approaches do work. Just give them a try!

So head on over to Heartlight and let her know what you think about the Nose Stroke. She would love to hear from you! 

As would I. Your comments genuinely brighten my day and, I’m sure, the days of those other people who visit The Voyage. Thank you for taking the time to stop in. I pray God’s blessings will wash away anything darkening or dreary to your joy this day. Rejoice in the fact that if you are His, you are the daughter or son to the Most Wonderful Father in the Universe! And if you aren’t, rejoice that you can be…this very moment.  


  1. Hey Petra!!! I didn't know you had a blog. :)
    I enjoyed reading Hannah's tips! So glad she shared them.. and I hope she'll continue sharing her bits of wisdom.
    I pray you all are doing well!! I think of you guys often. Loved getting to see the picture of Okey on your sidebar. He's grown! :)
    Talk soon,

    1. Well hi there, Sarah. Nice to hear from you after all this time. : ) Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Hannah's glad to hear that you found her tips useful. I'm so glad to have such a wise sister as she!

      Haha, that picture was taken months ago. You should see Okey now...he's very grown up and handsome as can be.

  2. My darlin' sister, I am so honored to be featured on your blog. You've got such a lovely heart, ya' know?

    1. Thank you, dearie. You are such a bright, cheery part of my life. I'm so honored that you're my sister!


I would be honored to have the opportunity to hear your thoughts, and get to know you a little better :)