
Monday, December 3, 2012

It's Almost Winter?!

I know I haven't posted in next to forever, but life has grown very busy for me. What with starting a new job, the holiday season, illnesses, and life in general, blogging has taken a backseat. : )

Can you believe it is almost winter? Here in central NM it feels like the beginning of spring. Birds chirping in the sunshine, warm (and sometimes cooler) winds shaking limbs...the only signs that prove it isn't spring are the calendar, the bare leaves of the scrub oaks and the wilted strawberry plant outside the porch.

I pray that all of you who occasionally visit my blog will have a cheerful holiday season filled with the joy, peace and nearness of our Lord. Stay strong in Him, stay focused on Him, and nothing will be able to move you.

Here's hoping I can think of something interesting to post in the coming weeks. Please don't hesitate to stop by and let me know you were here. I would love to get the chance to know you better. And, yes, that is what our property looked like last winter! I'm not so sure I miss it too terribly...

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